
liquid_tax, a.k.a Ashley, Lunna, Farewell Lunna or ash64, is a brazilian pixel artist who began creating drawings out of a passion for indie games such as Celeste, Stardew Valley, Super Mombo Quest, and old SNES games.

reminder: this website is still in development!

about me

this is me ⬇

- from brazil

- 18y old

- gender fluid

- any pronouns

- likes breakcore, vocaloid, nintendo, frutiger aero and other nerd stuff

- silly :3

how did i started drawing?

i always wanted to be an artist, but i could never draw anything. after developing a passion for indie games and pixel art, i decided to give it a try and drew something very simple. however, i saw potential and ended up creating my first landscape. i liked it and have continued drawing ever since. even with the challenges of daily life (school and work), i still make some time to do what i love S2

do i do something else besides drawing?

i know some web developing (HTML and CSS) so i code some little silly stuff here and there, but i intend to be a programmer or game dev one day!

my arts

some of the arts i made:

and much more!!!11!!!!1

BOO! cat jumpscare

this is my cat, say hi to him :3

my projects

here are some projects that i participated and/or made myself

Pinble (game art display)

Pinble is a casual game where you need to score as many points as possible before losing your balls (sus)
In this game you will come across several stages with different mechanics and themes, as well as similar minigames that are played during the stages.

i was "hired" to make the pinble machine in pixel art, this is the machine :3

> play Pinble <

Aliens, Please! (game assets)

You have been hired to control the entry of aliens into Area 51, however, you will have to be aware of possible costumed invaders in this game inspired by Papers, Please

i participated with my friend to do this game on a game jam, she carried everything about coding, and i just made the game assts

> play Aliens, Please! <

my social media

main discord: @liquid_tax

alt discord: @ashleytarifa

feel free to say hi!
